Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 out of 366

Good evening!

It's back to school tomorrow. Having said that, we're only left with 25 more problems to deal with (5 days x 5 modules = 25 problems). Hang in there, cause the holidays would be coming back to us in 5 weeks time...but, sorry to have had your bubble burst - there's still UT3!

Feelings. Ahh, everyone has feelings. Sometimes we feel happy, sometimes sad. Either we're up, or we're down. But no matter what, life still goes on. I do wonder if it's worth it crying over spilt milk? Perhaps it's worth it, but to a certain extent. Well, I think we shouldn't cry over it for a long time. It's time to move on - clean up the mess and start afresh.

I'm pretty quite interested at people who can hide their feelings well. What's wrong with a little use of emotional labour (oops, too much of OB module I guess) to make yourself feel what you have to feel. Like for example, you are sad that your pet cat had died, but when you're in school and have an amazing activity, you should put up a smile and lie your way through the day. But pretty sure, at the end of the day you'd still be sad. And that's when you should move on. Though it's hard, but we have to give it a try.

I guess that's pretty much what I wanted to talk about today. It's time for me to pack up my stuffs, iron my khakis and off to bed as soon as possible.

"You wouldn't know until you try."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year…or Survive a new year?

Good afternoon world!

It's a new year, and it's the beginning of something new. I wonder what kind of exciting things would happen to me this year, and I hope it would be better than the last. Well of course, I would hope to have more good things to happen, but what's wrong with bad things happening too?

Well I guess, when bad things happen, it's just a reminder to us. Depends on how you see it though - perhaps God is asking you to cherish the life you have now, or to give you valuable life lessons that may help you in the future. Whatever the reason is, I guess, we should take the negativity and turn it into a positive motivation for us.

No matter how hard you are going through with your problems, just remember, God brings you to the problem, God will also bring you through it.

Once again, Happy New Year! :)